General description
Emprie City Thu Thiem apartment, in addition to the reasonable rent, is also very attractive in terms of the view and the interior. Besides the natural luxury, but it also delivers a vibe like a cold muse that can easily attract anyone’s attention. It is obvious that no one can resist fantasizing about living in it. Here B&C will analyze more details about the apartments for your reference.
Does this Emprie City apartment for rent really have a river view like the provided image?
When looking at the actual picture of the apartment, you have also seen a part of a wide and poetic river from the angle which you are standing from the inside of the apartment looking outside, right?
In fact, the apartments in this Emprie city project all have river view, the only difference is which part of the river. Therefore, before visiting and deciding to rent any apartments, . To avoid wasting your time, please look over the pictures of the apartment first to decide your favorite ones. After that, B&C real estate agents at Hotline 0902763027 will schedule an appointment with you to take you on a tour to visit the apartments.
Thank you for your attention.